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    Jsme první pražský stand-up comedy klub
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Vítejte v Metro Comedy Clubu


Jsme první Stand-up comedy klub v Praze. Rozesmějí vás špičky světové comedy scény i domácí vycházející hvězdy. Většinu show máme v angličtině, ale čas od času zařazujeme na program i české speciály. Metro Comedy Club vlastníme a provozujeme my, komici, a jasně jsme mu do DNA vtiskli náš tajný recept na nezapomenutelnou show. Podělíme se o něj i s vámi. Ingredience jsou jasné – skvělý komik, opravdu temná místnost a lahodné pivo. Přijďte se přesvědčit, jak báječně to dohromady funguje.

Co vás tu čeká


Pohodlně se usaďte a nechte se královsky pobavit. Užijete si představení profesionálních evropských i světových komiků, ale i nadějných aspirantů domácí scény.

Něco k pití

Víme, že svlažit si hrdlo namáhané smíchem je nutnost. Čepujeme skvělé pivo z Vinohradského Pivovaru, ale vybrat si můžete i něco ostřejšího, dobrý koktejl, nebo něco, po čem můžete s klidem řídit.


Dobře se s přáteli na show nalaďte nebo pokračujte v jízdě na žertovné vlně i po ní. V Metro Comedy Clubu vás čeká příjemný prostor, kde o zábavu rozhodně není nouze.

Stálé show

Představení tak báječná, že je musíme opakovat pravidelně

Donec Ipsum

"In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien."

Etiam neque. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices augue. Nullam sit amet magna in magna gravida vehicula. Integer imperdiet lectus quis justo. Fusce tellus odio, dapibus id fermentum quis.

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Lorem Ipsum

"In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien."

Etiam neque. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices augue. Nullam sit amet magna in magna gravida vehicula. Integer imperdiet lectus quis justo. Fusce tellus odio, dapibus id fermentum quis.

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Dolorem Ipsum

"In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien."

Etiam neque. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices augue. Nullam sit amet magna in magna gravida vehicula. Integer imperdiet lectus quis justo. Fusce tellus odio, dapibus id fermentum quis.

Buy ticket

Enim Ipsum

"In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien."

Etiam neque. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices augue. Nullam sit amet magna in magna gravida vehicula. Integer imperdiet lectus quis justo. Fusce tellus odio, dapibus id fermentum quis.

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Chystá se u nás


V nejbližší době jsme si připravili tyhle skvělé shows. U které z nich se budete smíchem za břicho popadat vy?

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Kristýna's Birthday Comedy Show - July 27th

Kristýna's Birthday Comedy Show - July 27th

Sobota, 27.07.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Kristýna Haklová headlines alongside some of her favorite comedians! Whether you're a long-time fan of Kristýna's, or just looking for a great night out, this is surely going to be a hilarious and raucous night you don't want to miss!

Come celebrate the most glorious day of the year at Metro Comedy Club!

** Show is in English. Many shows sell out, it is advised to pre-purchase tickets. Door tickets are +50czk**
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Stand up open mic v češtině v Metro Comedy klubu

Stand up open mic v češtině v Metro Comedy klubu

Úterý, 30.07.2024, 20:00

Metro Comedy ClubStítného 6Prague,13000 Map

Na stand-up open micu se může stát naprosto cokoliv. Komici si zkouší nový materiál, začátečníci se učí vystupovat, někdo si stoupne na jeviště úplně poprvé. Adrenalin a nervozita tu neustále visí ve vzduchu a diváci se kolikrát rozesmějí na místech, kde by to nikdo nečekal. Nahlédněte stand-up komikům do kuchyně a zažijte to, co na klasické show nehrozí. Moderuje Martin Černý z Vtípečků se zelím. Vstupné dobrovolné.

Pokud si troufáte vyzkoušet stand-up comedy set, pište na martinpetrcerny@gmail.com a připravte si 5 minut něčeho vtipného!

Vstupné dobrovolné!

Rezervace je možná zde: connect.boomevents.org/cs/event/9dae4cb028e04b1cb859140b77b0ccb1
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Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Středa, 31.07.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Our weekly Open Mic gives new comedians that chance to hit the stage and more experience comics an opportunity to work out fresh jokes. These shows are some of our most hilarious and unpredictable!

Entry is just 100czk on pre-sale, 150 at the door.

Think you have what it takes to make a crowd laugh? Just show up by 7:30 for your chance to sign up for a spot on the stage.

Happy Hour Comedy                                                                       Night

Happy Hour Comedy Night

Čtvrtek, 01.08.2024, 20:00

Metro Comedy Club

Our Happy Hour's Comedy Night with half price tickets and our signature cocktails on before the start of the show for 89,- CZK only!

Seating capacity is limited, make sure you get your tickets soon!

Enjoy your night at the only Comedy club in Prague!

Tickets on pre-sale for 299,-
Tickets at the door 350,-

Ticket link: connect.boomevents.org/cs/event/9308203a00a603aa
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The Friday Night Lineup

The Friday Night Lineup

Pátek, 02.08.2024, 20:00

Metro Comedy Club

Join us for an evening of laughter with the Friday Night Lineup, a stand-up comedy show showcasing a diverse group of local comedians and travelling special guests.

You'll be treated to a variety of perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds, as our international comedians share their experiences and observations in a way that only they can. So, get ready for a fun-filled night out with your friends and let our comedians deliver the laughs!

** Show is in English! Many shows sell out, it is advised to pre-purchase tickets. Door tickets are +50czk**
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Stand-up Saturday Show

Stand-up Saturday Show

Sobota, 03.08.2024, 20:00

Metro Comedy Club

It's the Stand-Up Saturday show at Prague's only comedy club! The night will feature a hilarious lineup of international comedians based right here in Prague, as well as some special guest comedians traveling from around the world.

Whether you're a die-hard comedy fan or just looking for something fun and unique to do on a Saturday night, Metro is the perfect place to be. So grab a drink, sit back, and get ready to laugh!

** Show is in English. Many shows sell out, it is advised to pre-purchase tickets. Door tickets are +50czk**
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Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Středa, 07.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Our weekly Open Mic gives new comedians that chance to hit the stage and more experience comics an opportunity to work out fresh jokes. These shows are some of our most hilarious and unpredictable!

Entry is just 100czk on pre-sale, 150 at the door.

Think you have what it takes to make a crowd laugh? Just show up by 7:30 for your chance to sign up for a spot on the stage.

Gong Show with Grant Gallacher

Gong Show with Grant Gallacher

Čtvrtek, 08.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Metro Comedy Club presents a brand new comedy show with a BIG difference! Unlike in regular comedy shows, in a gong show the audience has the power to vote off a comedian if you think their jokes are not landing, which will be marked with the banging of the dreaded gong. Comedians have to try to make it to 5 minutes without getting gonged off!

These shows are infamous in the UK and US, so if you want a taste of adverserial comedy, a chance to be part of the show, and a night full of huge laughs, then come join us at Metro Comedy Club for Prague's very first Gong Show!

The night will be hosted by Metro Comedy Club Host extraordinaire Grant Gallacher, the vetran of hundreds of Gong shows back in the UK, who will make sure that the night is full of laughs for the audience and nerve wracking for the comedians!
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The Laughing Muses: Pride Edition - August 9th

The Laughing Muses: Pride Edition - August 9th

Pátek, 09.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Laughing Muses: Pride Edition - Unleash Your Inner Goddess (or God!)

Calling all comedy connoisseurs, queens of sass, and allies of the rainbow! This Pride, the Laughing Muses are gracing the stage of the Metro Comedy Club on Friday, August 9th at 8 PM for a night of gut-busting giggles you won't forget (even if your memory gets a little fuzzy after a few too many Prague Glasses of Beer).

Prepare for:

A hilarious lineup of women and LGBTQ+ comedians featuring a special guest star all the way from Berlin! Get ready for an international injection of humor as these fierce funny folks slay stereotypes, dissect dating app disasters, and tackle the universal struggle of explaining your sexuality to relatives.

Laughs as diverse as the Pride flag itself! We're serving relatable roasts, witty observations, and enough self-deprecating humor to make even the most confident diva snort out their cocktail.

A safe space to celebrate your glorious self! High fives for fierce females, air kisses for the gays, and fist bumps for everyone who appreciates a good pun.

So ditch the heels (or rock them, we're here for ALL forms of fabulous!), grab your squad, and prepare for a night of side-splitting laughter that's guaranteed to be more fun than navigating Prague's cobblestone streets in stilettos.

Don't miss out! Tickets are selling faster than a unicorn at a glitter sale!

Metro Comedy Club | August 9th | 8 PM
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Stand-up Saturday Show

Stand-up Saturday Show

Sobota, 10.08.2024, 20:00

Metro Comedy Club

It's the Stand-Up Saturday show at Prague's only comedy club! The night will feature a hilarious lineup of international comedians based right here in Prague, as well as some special guest comedians traveling from around the world.

Whether you're a die-hard comedy fan or just looking for something fun and unique to do on a Saturday night, Metro is the perfect place to be. So grab a drink, sit back, and get ready to laugh!

** Show is in English. Many shows sell out, it is advised to pre-purchase tickets. Door tickets are +50czk**
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Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Středa, 14.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Our weekly Open Mic gives new comedians that chance to hit the stage and more experience comics an opportunity to work out fresh jokes. These shows are some of our most hilarious and unpredictable!

Entry is just 100czk on pre-sale, 150 at the door.

Think you have what it takes to make a crowd laugh? Just show up by 7:30 for your chance to sign up for a spot on the stage.

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Středa, 21.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Our weekly Open Mic gives new comedians that chance to hit the stage and more experience comics an opportunity to work out fresh jokes. These shows are some of our most hilarious and unpredictable!

Entry is just 100czk on pre-sale, 150 at the door.

Think you have what it takes to make a crowd laugh? Just show up by 7:30 for your chance to sign up for a spot on the stage.

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Středa, 28.08.2024, 20:00

Stítného 6, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic Map

Our weekly Open Mic gives new comedians that chance to hit the stage and more experience comics an opportunity to work out fresh jokes. These shows are some of our most hilarious and unpredictable!

Entry is just 100czk on pre-sale, 150 at the door.

Think you have what it takes to make a crowd laugh? Just show up by 7:30 for your chance to sign up for a spot on the stage.




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    Velvet Comedy - logo
    Vinohradský pivovar - logo
    Velvet Comedy - logo